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Vacation break!

The coder is on vacation soon, after that the project organizer is on vacation. The project will be delayed by 12 weeks. Release Q4/2008 or Q1/2009. This might be the last news before release anyway.




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  1. Whoa, why so long? I thought it was about done. :(

  2. Seems like giana will never return – very sad.

  3. To me that’s good news, guys. I hope you two enjoy your vacation and recharge your batteries.

    I am looking forward to the game’s release once you guys are back and had time, inspiration and motivation to give the game its very final touches.

    See you soon and have a great time.


  4. Giana will return soon, don’t worry.
    After two years of work (spare time, not continuous), I want this project to be released!

  5. I wanna play, I wanna play, I wanna play…

  6. why cant thay do a public beta test

  7. then we could just go for a public release as well…

    we want to have an almost perfect game so everyone has a proper first expirience.

    we did mistakes with the first beta and we don’t plan to repeat them.

  8. Wow,
    ganz schönes Delay, dafür dass mal sowas wie April 2008 angepeilt war. :D
    Kann man das Game nicht auch herausbringen, wenn man selber im Urlaub ist? Laptop mit an den Strand, alles klar machen und dann raus mit dem Game! ;) Es ist zwar ein aufwendiges Spiel aber kein Shenmue oder so. Fehlt echt noch so viel? Na trotzdem auch weiterhin viel Erfolg mit dem Projekt, vielleicht taucht noch ein Über-Coder auf der das Spiel an nem Wochenende klar macht.


  9. Gut Ding will weile haben!

  10. Boah, bin schon ziemlich hunrig auf die neue Beta-Version :-/

  11. Hi,
    Which formats will the game be released on , will it be a commercial release ?


  12. Taking some time off is always beneficial for your work, it gives you a clearer perspective when you come back to it. Best of luck completing it!


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