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Extra-World, now decided!

Basically this was in discussion for a while already, but the team is pretty sure that there will be an extra world! In total you can look forward to play 7 worlds with each 6 stages, along with 7 end-bosses to defeat!

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Teaser Video – World 2 soon…

We got some interesting thoughts and inquries about the current look of World 2 – some would prefer stone textures, while others think the current way it is (see the already published screenshot) is fine…´

Soon… you can see everything in action, once again… then we await a proper discussion ;) At this moment only 2 levels of world 2 are converted.. we will just see and what happens with the feedback we recieve… then the retouching work of the levels will go on

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snowworld the story goes on

currently 2 out of 6 snow levels have been re-edited, a new video might appear this weekend – which of course depends on mulle’s time and mood ;)

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Snowworld Tileset-Preview

This won’t be the 100% final, but up to 95% ;)

One screenshot doesn’t say too much, but better than nothing to lower your thirst ;)



Snow World – Final Tileset comming soon…

The “Snow World” tileset just needs some more minor adjusting… update on Sunday! Have a nice weekend all!

 Btw… we recieved some more ingame storyline graphics from Jayne, bloody hell… they rule so much – we are so proud of it, that we would like to show it, but the effect is much better, if you see everything in the final version, right? ;)

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Jayne came up with a pretty hughe and neat storyline. The team will discuss about it, and then we will realize whatever we have ;) Sorry to disappoint that there are no storyline samples yet ;)

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New Homepage is in development!

Our Betatester Mulle is working on a new homepage… it will be launched, once there is something “proper” to download, aka release :)

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Update from our music-guy!

Our musician operator has potentially 6 half-finished tracks, for our little Jump and Run game… seems soon we are complete with all the music stuff!




We were quite interested in the feedback and we for sure have it now. We recognized mostly that the guys at gp32spain are not too happy with the result, moaning about music and sprites – the rest of the community is pretty much surprised and waiting for a release.

Anyway… thanks for the good and bad comments ;) Also keep in mind all this you have seen is beta… the coulds were not the final ones, the music was not final, as we have the soundtrack improved once more, but not built into the binary yet. There is for sure a lot to do… but the game is no “Urban Legend” ;) We hope the video proved it :D



Teaser Video – Level 1

Thanks to Mulle for putting effort into this ;) Check the video on Youtube here:



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