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Surprise! Surprise!

We’ll be releasing an additionally unannounced release tomorrow, but it wont be for the Pandora :)

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Giana iPhone APP visual teaser

The OFFICIAL and COMMERCIAL Giana iPhone app had a “visual teaser” video at Youtube recently and can be found here:

Again, this is the official stuff and not related to us in any way. It’s basically just a information for all Giana fans out there!



Release Confirmation for 1.1.2010 as of 27.12.2009

We have builds packed up and finalized for:

* Windows
* GP2x
* GP2x Wiz
* Dingux

There might be more releases for 1.1. Time will tell! So be sure, to check the Giana’s page after you come home from the new years party! Release is exactly at GMT+1 00:00 on 01.01.2010!

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Dingux gux ux x

Slaanesh has delivered the first Giana’s Return Dingux executable, time to pack up the release!

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Giana’s Return Dingoo News IV

It works

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v0.997 Testing II

The major problems are solved, just little tweaking left. A release is scheduled for 1.1.2010.

Most people of the team are busy during Christmas time, so there is no chance of an earlier release. As usual, real life kicked in :)



Giana’s Return Dingoo News III

As Slaanesh and Thor finally figured out, it’s indeed a Dingux SDL bug.

Slaanesh will work on a fixed Dingux SDL port, which will hopefully allows Giana’s Return to run on Dingoo devices soon!



Still testing…

We are still testing the game as some “follow up” bugs occoured, paired with a busy main developer (oh yes, real life!) :)

A Dreamcast port of v0.997 should also appear in the public, if there is enough demand.



v0.997 Testing!

We are currently trying to pack up whatever we added and fixed so far to push out a new version soon.

Our beta-tester Mulle is free towards end of the week so if everything goes straight there should be new versions for GP2x, Wiz and Windows. Count with x to 14 days :)



Giana’s Return Dingoo News II

Slaanesh and Thor tried to hunt down the “segment fault” on Dingux. Unfortunatly it seems to be a SDL only problem and not a problem of the Giana’s Return source code. Our hands are tied for now :(

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