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Giana’s Return v1.0 (Ubuntu 64bit)

Giana’s Return goes 64bit on Ubuntu. It’s packed together with the 32bit release.




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  1. Ubuntu versions have some trouble with the cave levels (64 bit and 32 bit): sprites in foreground (like rubies) show pink mask pixels instead of transparent ones. Apart from that I didn’t spot any bugs. Version is Ubuntu 10.04/64 Bit.

    And thank you very much for making the game!

  2. I’m having a little problem here: I’m on Linux 64-bits (Gentoo), and the -ogl option seems to be ignored. I’ve accelerated OpenGL support (drm) with the propietary nvidia binaries. -ogl doesn’t have any effect.

    I’m using openGL for many games and emulator on Linux. As I don’t have the sources for this one, I’m blind on this issue: I don’t know if the parameter is read at all, or if it’s compiled with OpenGL support, etc.

    Playing with SDL running on X11 totally sucks (scroll is ruined by tearing). I’ve alsro run this game on the framebuffer device, but sadly my framebuffer is not accelerated so it’s eating cpu as crazy.

    Help me with OpenGL mode in Linux, please.

  3. How to start Giana Returns in Ubuntu 64bit,

    I click on the icon and nothing happend , something program I need ??

    this is the the first day I start to use Ubuntu, becuase I feel very tired to use Windows.

  4. OK, we ordinary people need to know HOW TO START THIS GAME!
    Is there someone who want to put few words to us stupid people who doesn’t know how to start this gam?!

    Thank you…

  5. OK, we ordinary people need to know HOW TO START THIS GAME!
    Is there someone who want to put few words to us stupid people who doesn’t know how to start this game?!

    Thank you…


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