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New project of the Giana’s Return Team and Giana’s Return status!

Hello dear Giana-Fans!

First of all, let us tell you that the project is not abandoned and we won’t abandon it ;)

Everyone has already read the story about the graphics artist issues severall times already and you boys and girls are probably already sick about it – which would be pretty much understandable. A pixelgraphics artist from France named [thUg] who was also active in the Amiga demoscene offered his help, which we will glady accept – things should move on soon.

So this was the status about Giana’s Retun itself… now time for something new…

We got hands on a very talented (but unfortunatly not free) graphics artist who is currently drawing sprites and tiles for a new Sci-Fi Jump’n’Shoot. We are taking essences from “Hard’n’Heavy”, “Metal Slug” and “Turrican” and mixing it up into a brandnew game, based upon the Giana’s Return engine. Of course we could have got that graphics guy also for our main project, but the background of this story is a bit more difficult and would probably fill a few pages to explain.

We have the main sprite “Little Bastard” ready and animated, white a nice and proper gun in his hands. Within the next three to four weeks, we should have everything ready to start. The game itself will be less complex than Giana’s Return as we want to head towards “Hard’n’Heavy” which was dealt as “The Great Giana Sisters II”.

We don’t have a music artist for this, as Operator is still busy with the Giana’s Return music and sound FX. Our organizer is already having some artists in mind, who could provide proper chipmusic. This time it might not be “exclusive” tracks as for Giana’s Return, but be sure that the music will rock the house – or better said “chip” the house.

Your’s Giana’s Return Team

PS: We answered most of the people who offered help, but most of them didn’t reply, did you guys checked your spambox folder?




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  1. How does the development of this new game have impact on the schedule of Giana’s Return? I hope it will not be delayed because of this, guys!

    From what I can read, hiring a commercial gfx artist, means you are also planning to go somewhat ‘commercial’ with this new game? i.e. asking money for it?

  2. The “new” game will be 99% freeware – we hope ppl will be fair and donate to quality freeware themself.

  3. I am personnally very excited to play the final version of Giana’s Return on my Dreamcast, and have high hopes for the new game as well. I fully intend to make a donation when the time comes as well.

    One question: Is there a place that fans can register to receive an e-mail when the final software is ready for download?

  4. That’s great news, Kojote! I am very happy to hear about new pixel artist — and I am excited about the new project too: A Turrican/Metal Slug game is a fantastic way to use the GR engine. What a good choice! :)

  5. @Rat King:
    Unfortunatly there is no place where you can register for newsletters or similar things. I suggest checking back every two weeks for a status updates. If it’s out I am sure it will be mentioned on all major homebrew pages.

    The team’s choice is always good ;)

  6. Hey guys, I didn’t know you were looking for a pixel artist. I guess you’ve found some by now, but in case you need more help, I’d like to offer my services.

    I’ve done my own Giana-like game (huge fan of the original). I did the gfx myself so please check it out and see if I would be any use to you.

    If you don’t need me, that’s fine. Best of luck with the project, I’m looking forward to playing it on my GP2X when it’s done.


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