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Release date is beeing moved and moved again, why?

Recently we had a complaint about someone who is “sick” of waiting for the game. Everyone should understand that most of the team members have a job and/or going to university – many of us have a 40 to 60 hour week – along with that we have kids or family.

Giana’s Return is a project done in our exremly rare sparetime and good things take time. Don’t forget that you are getting this game for free, you have not paid for it and in case you donated for it, you did this because you enjoy v0.90. v0.90 alone has commercial quality and the final version of Giana’s Return hopefuly blows that quality up once more.

There are also major changes – The code is beeing written again from scratch, most of the graphics have been replaced by better looking ones, the soundtrack has been finalized and the biggest difference, backgrounds are beeing 100% hand drawn – each world has an endboss now. Implementing those take time, unless you want to have a buggy release.

Thanks for your understanding!




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  1. Do it in whatever pace you like, and make sure you have fun and can be proud of what you release. I look forward to this game but I know how demanding a “hobby” project can become and want you guys to keep interest in your work! So have fun and make a great game! At your own pace of course =)

  2. Ich muss das jetzt mal in deutsch schreiben…

    Also: wie ich euch schon erwähnte, hättet ihr das in 2006 nicht fertig bekommen (ihr wart da so sicher, dass es doch 2006 fertig wäre). Den Grund habt ihr ja eben erwähnt. Ich kann euch bloß noch sagen: überstürzt auch nicht! Bisher sehen die ganzen Screenshots genial aus. Ihr wollt ja euren Projekt nach der ganzen Arbeit auf’s Eis legen, oder?

    Btw: falls es schon was zum Testen gibt… *schleim* ^^


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