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World one ready for semi-public beta testing

Please DO NOT post this news outside of!

New day, new news, new good news! – Crooaa’s Mountains (previously known as World 1) is ready for semi-public beta testing!

These rules apply:

  • You must be a long-time follower of this project.
  • Any leak will result into cancelling the game for the public – if you are just out for the sake of fun, forget it. We are serious about this and we mean it. The team can spread the final also via worthy friends.
  • You must be willing to leave your real name and real adress
  • You should have time on your hands
  • You must be able to write constructive feedback or bug reports in understandable english. We don’t expect you to write books, but short effective reports.
  • Communication will mainly happen via a webboard
  • The game in it’s basic is done, we wont accept people who try to kill our concept, your task will be just to find logical and design errors along with possible bug reporting.
  • Main contacts will be the organizer and our main beta-tester “Mulle” – you wont have contact to the rest of the team.
  • Everything is strictly confidential – You are not allowed to mention in the public who is part of this project (the coder is still unmentioned for a good reason) nor release screenshots or videos, unless otherwise told.
  • Contact possibilities via MSN or ICQ would be appreciated (probably any other IM too) – direct communication also helps to speed up things.
  • You probably wont get credited as beta-tester, but maybe mentioned as “supporter” on the homepage once everything is released.

Volunteers, reply to this blog entry and leave your correct e-mail adress. If you are interesting for us, we will get in touch with you, otherwise please forgive us already now for not answering. We prefer finishing the game :)

PS: Development Version is for Windows 32-bit!




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  1. Hi,

    I really loved Giana Sisters on Amiga/C64, so i would be glad to be an beta-tester.

    I will test it with my Competition Pro (USB) – classic rules.

    I can also test on Mac and GP2X – for later tests, now on Win.


    I can offer ICQ/AIM/MSN/GoogleTalk and rarely Skype.

    Since I have a work and some projects I can not gurantee to do test around the clock, but I will test and send reports.

    Ciao, ALeX.

  2. I would like to betatest world one, been a big fan of the great giana sisters since the amiga and loved giana’s return on the gp32. I am most looking forward to the gp2x version but will be happy to test the windows version. I am on efnet as THB if anyone wants to get in touch or via the above email.

  3. Ich bin ein guter Beta-Nörgler…äh Tester aber mit nem 56K Modem kann ich weder groß saugen noch mangels Flatrate ewig Chatten. Auch gibts von mir nie persönliche Daten, die hat noch nicht mal die deutsche Telekom. :D
    Aber ich finde diese Aktion gut, nix geht über public beta testing. :) Ihr findet schon die Richtigen.


  4. Hi,

    I can meet / agree with the rules and would love to help. I think I’m good at bug finding. I have thoroughly played the original Amiga version and the old 2005 0.91b version up to the point where the password bug gave me a hard time proceeding. I regularly use google talk and occasionally ICQ for communication, but would be willing to use other IMs if necessary.

    P.S. Why is it necessary to leave the postal address? Are we going communicate via snail mail? ;)

  5. Might be interested, not much time but can give some short comments on what I think about the game.

    Won’t be sad if I am not chosen.

  6. I already volunteered to make a dutch translation for you guys back when you were thinking of localizing the project, and have been a follower of this project for a long time now.

    I am a long-time Giana (or: GiaNNa!) fan indeed. Played it on the C64, Amiga and even created a remake on the Amiga with a level designer, but never completely finished it (double buffering issues etc. etc.). Ah, that must be over 12 years ago now, haha…

    Would love to beta-test for you guys, I do have MSN and am on-line almost all the time with this.

    Just send me an e-mail to get my postal address and more personal data.

  7. I was a fan of Giana Sisters when I was a kid. I’m having some free time besides my project, so I could help you out testing your wonderful game.

    You can contact me on MSN also.

    Hoping to hear from you,

  8. Thanks for everyone who has posted here or wrote an email.

    We gave the beta to two people and both of them seem just to play and not give “proper” feedback, which is certanly not what we want.

    We might not give betas away again and do the job on our own, which will, of course, take some more time to get a release out.


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