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News stop

We will put the game on stop, till we recieve the promised beta tests from the “volunteers” who wanted to help. Probably they were just greedy about the beta.




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  1. that are bbad news

  2. :( come on beta testers!

  3. beta tester please hurry up we wanna play the game

  4. I would beta test and give info! Please e-mail me I am open all summer!

  5. Hey Giana team!

    In my opinion it’s a bit exaggerated to stop the whole project! Cheer up! The missing collaboration is definitely disapointing but it’s actually not the “show-stopper” for the whole project!

    You all made an awesome piece of game (as you recently confirmed with the video) until now.

    So, please engage some other testers (preferably some with software engineering capability, because in my experience they are the most reliable ones)!

  6. Grmh… forget these another beta testers >:(

  7. If you find yourself wanting different beta testers, I can lend a hand. I know I may seem like just another person you’d have to deal with, but I’m up for the job.
    I’m a college student, and I stayed back doing research this year. Because of this, I have no paying work at the moment. Seeing as my dream job is to be a game designer, some more experience to put on my resume would be a plus. If you want, email me and tell me what you’re requirements are. I’ll respond. Thanks for your time.

  8. Yeah, forget about them. Work with those that actually support you.

  9. that are very sad news

  10. I would be happy to contribute to testing for bugs/glitches and so forth if you’d be interested in having me. Long time DC owner/fan… send me an e-mail.

  11. Hey Kojote if your still around i havent spoken to you in awhile cause you either blocked me on msn or have some pretty important things to do either way it dont bother me its your life. But hey if you want me to help with beta tests i will help you out i have done it in the past and i have been recently playing around with the Dreamcast.


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