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Operator and Kojote will meet up for a final discussion on the soundtrack. Most likely the result is overall great and the final soundtrack will finally remain final. – More news after the meeting!




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  1. i want that game, i saw it on youtube and omg i want it,
    i played on c64 years ago, giana is my childhood hero, like batman was for other kids.
    if this game will be free, you need a donate button.

  2. Any chance this will be out in 2008 still ?Afew more days could mean tomorrow, since it was expected to be out on the 28th or 29th according to older posts.

  3. we pretty much have to disappoint everyone. we thought our gfx guy will be “in time” but he isn’t… so the final work can’t be done which will delay things. but we are pretty far so the release should really happen in q1 2009 now.
    having a solid release is probably better anyway than pulling out something rushed. we need to clear a few things with spellbound too, so it’s out of questions to think in “few more days”.

  4. Thats really sad news. The few more days, was a quote from the news post, from just a few days back you know.


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