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Current Status (06 May 09)

It’s getting closer and closer to a release, but quality will still require time. We are aware, that there is a group of people who check back every day and desperatly wait for news.

We have finalized the leveledesign COMPLETLY. We are currently checking back, if there are any minor design mistakes (we are all human) so we can consider it also perfect and ready for everyone to play.

Few days ago we had a question about warp zones, which did not bring too much feedback. Let us tell you, how we solved the issue. We have spread warp zones all over the levels. They usually will require you to jump to unusual places or use enemies as trampoline, so don’t think it will be a piece of cake to find. As it would be a bad idea to spoil the fun before it even started, we can just assure you, that it will be hard to spot all of them.

Beside level testing, we try to do the rest of the graphics work and also add a few eye candies here and there.

Few of the hidden features are an oldschool style trainer menue and a hidden greeting part. More hidden goodies will be added soon.

Our GP2x WIZ porting guy will be off for a few days, so after he is back, we should have done most of our minor tasks and release the game to the public.

We have often told a release date, if someone would ask us right now, we probably would point at June (plus/minus two months).

As you all can see… we are still working hard!




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  1. But … will there be a PC version ?

  2. Yes I think there will be a release for the PC version.

    Will the Dreamcast version be porting right after the GP2x WIZ version?

    I have been looking at the youtube clip of GP2x WIZ version many times, even if it´s slow, it looks great.
    Looks really like an Amiga Game. About that, will you release an Amiga version, like on A1200?

  3. Please, make the game *perfect* :) But don’t wait longer than, say, 6 months with the release.

  4. Please release it on PC too!

  5. Please Release it on PC , we all have wait so fucking long time and I know the work is Perfect. Release it soon :)

  6. I’d rather wait than have disappointed people, yell “epic fail from the dev-team” or likewise cr*p. I prefer the term, “It’s done, when it’s done!” as long as it doesn’t turn Duke-Nukem-Forever-it’s-done,-when-it’s-done. We’ve all waited this long, 1 or 6 months more is surely worth the wait.

    I’m sorry I didn’t post when you asked about the warp-blocks. Any number is cool, as long as you don’t place them where you can accidentally hit them (like you could a couple og places in the original Giana Sisters). I prefer the “scenic route”, to be honest.

    Anyways I’m looking forward to playing the finished game. Keep up the excellent work!

  7. ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz

  8. Hip hip…hooraaay!

  9. As others pointed out earlier I really want to see a diverse in enemy abilities. In the beta I played 4 of the 7 regular enemies have the exact same behaviour. If it takes some time to fix this issue, I recommend you to finish up perfectly.

    Also will we see the piranhas and the worms in the game? They didn’t appear in the beta, nor in the trailer, and I think they would be missed.

    I also don’t like the idea that the bug is unbeatable.

    These are just constructive criticisms, I hope you can focus on this issue more. The levels and the graphics don’t need so much update, they look cool in their current status.

  10. And two more things about the enemies:

    1. The new crabs you made look much more unbeatable by jumps than the little bugs. It’s just a minor thing I know, but more sensible.

    2. I really want to see that enemies are not just randomly placed in levels, but themed levels and worlds have special enemies.


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