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Release platforms?!

As some of you keep on asking for which platforms we will publish the game… In particluar to anything we can get our hands on, BUT with leaving out the latest platforms.

The game has been optimized to run on handheld devices (320×240), so every system which has a higher resolution than this, needs more tweaking and testing.

We try to release for two devices first – Those people are lucky and unlucky in the same way. We rely on you guys out there to find the last bugs (if there are any at all) so we can fire up a stable final release and start porting it over and optimizing it for desktop systems.

Don’t forget, good things take time – also no one has to pay anything, so never complain about free things ;)




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  1. Three posts in one day, active day isn’t it? :)

    Heard the GP2X build has minor speed issues.
    How bad is it? (less, worse or the same as initial WIZ compile?)
    And are you planning to optimize it for more speed before you release it?
    Do you think the GP2X build will be delayed?

    I’ll always be here waiting, no matter how long it takes. And the second you release the GP2X version I will stream it live on and run through the game. :D

    Thanks for all your hard work, can’t believe it’s almost done now.

  2. The gp2x version was supposed to be the first release platform and now it looks like it will be the wiz. What happened to the gp2x version? Is it going to be delayed or will the gp2x and gp2x wiz be released at the same time?

  3. When is PC scheduled?

    Or even better, Linux? =)

  4. I hope it be released to Amiga Computers like Amiga Os 4 :) and Linux. How many colors is it in this Game ???

  5. @Burbruee: We do plan to speed up things a bit, but not at cost of more delay :)
    @christo930: GP2x Version is having minor speed issues, it’s running a bit too slow
    @Louise: Ubuntu before Win32/64
    @Night_Creature: If you have the skills to port it to Amiga OS 4, then go on and use the contact form :)

  6. I hope someone can port this to Amiga Computers , is not Fair, if this game not coming to The Real Computers :) Maybe Commodore 64 is a lil hard to port it to hehehehe

    I PLAY ! COMMODORE 64 games EVERYDAY !!!

  7. Is there a GP32 port planned? I have to ask since it seems the team members have been taking issue with the old GP32 beta being distributed:

  8. @Gianas-Return Team:

    Sounds too good to be true with a Linux version =)

    I can understand if you don’t make it open source, GPLv2/3 license, but if you did, Giana’s Return would become CRAZY popular! =)

    And even more if it doesn’t violate any copyrights or trademarks, then it would be distributed on the various Linux distributions.

    Massive user base =)

  9. @jmetal88: We have plans for a GP32 version, but have yet to see if the CPU power is enough or not :) If this shouldn’t be the case, we will re-release the old version.
    @Louise: We want to use the same engine for possible “commercial games”, so making it open source would be probably a very bad idea :) After all we have to feed our families too.

  10. Will there be a limited print run on pressed CDs for Dreamcast ?


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