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Our gfx-artist in drum action :)

As some of you know, our gfx-artist responsible for the hand drawn part, Jayne, is playing drums in a band called (Uupps… forgot that one right now, Jayne please fix it yourself *g*) and recently in a band called BASS. She is not only a marvellous artist in hand drawing, but also in playing drums, which the recent concert by the group BASS has shown. You can download the concert free of charge via Torrent – and this fully legal without breaking any copyright! Enjoy!

PS: Jayne, keep on drawing nice stuff for Giana’s Return! ;)
PSS: might work too, if the FTP is not overloaded.




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  1. Nice video. Was this concert on a LAN party?

  2. It was on a demoparty :) It’s something like LAN parties just without gamers, only creative heads. Coders, graphic guys, music guys, etc…

  3. Nice music. Alternation for me.

  4. does anyone know where I can download giana sisters for a mac? I love this game and had it on my PC, but can find it for the Mac. Also granted I am not a computer expert, so I hope someone else is smarter than me…

  5. @yana: you should get a c64 emulator and a disk image of the game you want to play. this is all help we can give you. please don’t ask for any files here… “google” is your friend…

  6. tach =)
    gerade über einen kommentar auf dem jahre 2004 auf auf Eure seite gefunden. hab wohl noch kein release verpasst *g* verfolge ab heute mal gespannt euer projekt mit und wünsche euch viel erfolg dabei!


    g’day =)
    just found your site via a comment from 2004 on . guess I haven’t missed a release yet *g* I’ll keep track of your project from now on and wish you good luck!

  7. you’ve missed the v0.90 dreamcast & gp32 version along with the v0.91 win32 version. they have been taken off the page. it’s just a questions of week till the new version is out.

  8. Haha, Kojote, thanks for this fantastic bit of advertising :D My band’s called “Lorry” (


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