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GP2x & Wiz Giana

Pickle, Flavor and Thor are still heavily optimizing the code, to get the best result for a new Wiz and GP2x version.

We are also working on getting the WIN32 version out soon.




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  1. oooh ja bitte an der win 32 arbeiten….

    bekomme schon zitterige hände und spiel den vorgänger jeden tag.

    viel spaß beim testen euch testern.



  2. i hope the linux version will coming soon.

    and i also hope the win32 version will be playable under linux with wine. this would make it easier waiting for the linux version.

    good luck for the win32 version

  3. Lv10 noobish question: win32 version is quite obviously the Pc version, aye?

  4. YEAH !! I see forward to play the win32 version :)

    Amiga/Linux I hope to .


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