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Webpage overhaul!

As you might be able to see with your own eyes, we have modified our template. Mulle, our beta tester, is not only good in beta testing, but also HTML & Co :)

There will be still modifications the next days!

Enjoy! (and thanks Mulle!)




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  1. So pretty! Looks good, guys.

  2. truely amazing web design!!!

  3. yeah win32


  4. Thx :)

  5. tolles design!!!

    good work mulle.

    plz make me a betatester ;-)



  6. cool design!

    please release the win32 version.
    i want to play this great game.

  7. I will play this game soon , RELEASE IT ! TO WIN32 !

    I play sometimes Giana sisters on Amiga and C64 to stop the pain hehehehe

  8. I like the old one better.


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