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Looking for RELIABLE Beta-Testers!

Please apply using this email adress only: kojote1980 AT

We expect you to keep the beta only for yourself! We need to trust you, so show that you are trustable! You will need lots of time to keep on testing things and report them to us! Beta-Testing period will take a few weeks…!

In exchange for your services you will get mentioned with your REAL NAME as official Beta-Tester in one of the most professional and long awaited freeware games ever.  The game is going to be ported on multiple platforms. Additionally you can be proud of yourself, helping us to get the game closer to a release.

The debug version is coded for Win32, this means you will require a Windows system.

Please understand that we wont accept a newbie or no-name person as tester!

Last day of accepting beta-testers is Saturday 16-June-2007 23:59 GMT+1 




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  1. geats news !
    hope that you find the most bugs.
    the ingame screens look awesome !

  2. Great work till now!

    Thank you so much!

  3. Missed the deadline >_


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