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WIZ & GP2x – Experiment

Some of the WIZ and GP2x Users out there reported, that the game occasionaly stucks for a second.

The only conclusion is, that this might be caused, once a track loops.

The Giana’s Return soundtrack is tracked, in particular we do use .xm (Extended Module). While the Windows version uses bass.dll and we don’t have a single problem with the music, the SDL standard playback for .xm is based upon MikMod. MikMod does not play our .xm’s proper, as it leaves out instruments or plays them wrong.

As solution for the GP2x and WIZ version we converted the .xm’s into the open source streaming format .ogg.

As the encoded quality is rather high, we try to decrease the bitrate, which will lead into a smaller file size and a hopefully lower CPU usage.

This hopefully leading into a proper looping without anything getting stuck.

Game development can be fun, but sometimes it’s just frustrating :D




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  1. Please… please… please change check point image, at first I was thinking it was something like like mushroom, some time after that I realized it was wooden sign…. but I don’t enjoy too much how it’s looking… it just don’t look good comparing to other objects in game… any one agree?

    Sorry for complaining :P

  2. One more thing… please add ICON to EXE file for windows… :)

  3. Nah, we keep this checkpoint sign. This is really OK. You’re on mushroom drug :P

  4. No problem… this was only suggestion :)

  5. Will there ever be a *true* gp2x version released or must we always use the wiz version? The wiz version works only with open2x firmware, not original GPH. Also did you fix the speed yet?

  6. Burbruee fail! ->

  7. Tanks for the Gp2x/Wiz versions..
    Run great on Wiz!

  8. someone remember Crazy Sue from Amiga ?? :-)

  9. ” Burbruee fail! -> ”

    Oh wow, I must have completely missed that. Sorry!
    Guess I was looking for “GP2X” in the title of the news posts instead of actually reading the content of the posts. :D

  10. I spread this game now like you Buy your food :)

    I hope is not bad


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