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GP2x Problems?!

Some user expirience problems with the GP2x release.

Something like “Giana’s Return” does not work on my GP2x-F100 does not really help, please let us know your MODEL (F100 First Edition, F100 Regular Edition or F200) PLUS if you use native Firmware or Open2x along with it’s version number.

Only this information will allow us to track the problem down!

Thank you!




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  1. im using a gp2x f200, official firmware v4.1.0
    it goes back to the gp2x main menu after pressing start a new game.

  2. Hi,
    Ok so…
    Model : Gp2X F100 regular edition (buy in 2007)
    Firmware : 3.0.0 (native)
    Crashes after I select “commencer une nouvelle partie”
    Doesn’t work under Gmenu2x too (tested at 200mhz & 250mhz)

  3. 20090925_gianas_v0.99.6
    GP2X-F100 (not first)
    Bootlog Firmware 2.0.0, but i think 2.1.x or so…
    Game run until “Press start to play” -> “Start Game”, then textscrolling stops, short screen blink, exit to GMenu2x.
    Same thing with all other languages selected, or without use of GMenu2x.

    Last Logfile entry: loadZDAFile 1 title.ogg
    openID 1
    uncompressZDA 1 title.ogg
    csize 519108
    offset 67034
    *usize 522459
    uncompressZDA SUCCESS

    No giana.cfg is written like in windows version.

  4. The game could crash at the main menu, if the battery voltage isnĀ“t very high. Try to reduce the processor speed or use a proper power supply.

  5. Same problem here :
    F200, firmware 4.0.0

  6. GP2x F200, FW 4.0.0

    GR 0.99.6 exits even before reaching its main menu. No matter wether i use stock menu or gmenu2x. Also tried with fresh cells.

    Looking forward to it, keep up the good work!

  7. I’ve a GP2X F200(b) with firmware 4.0
    giana v0.99.6 crashes and exits when tried to start the game with “start game” from game menu

    last log entys are:
    loadZDAFile 1 title.ogg
    openID 1
    uncompressZDA 1 title.ogg
    csize 519108
    offset 67034
    *usize 522459
    uncompressZDA SUCCESS

  8. Thanks for all the response!

    Pickle has compiled new binaries, we are currently testing what has gone wrong.

    If you run Open2x on your GP2x you will not experience any problem, the game only crashes on original firmware.


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