giana_06112009_100505 giana_06112009_094359 giana_06112009_094454

Another screenshot and some description

  • Diamonds are plain red now, instead of matching with each level’s stonecolor. This makes them easier to detect if you are in hurry ;)
  • Regocnize the new stone object in the middle
  • On the left side and after the middle to the right we have something new! GRAS!
  • The floor you are walking now has little modifications to the design. Recognize the small stones.

Alltogether things are looking better in the ingame… at least this is what the team thinks :)




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  1. ich finde das sieht alles sehr geil aus, aber die roten diamanten kommen etwas matt und wertlos rüber. könnten etwas mehr leuchten oder glänzen o. ä.

  2. kann Taskman nur zustimmen. Etwas Glanz würde die Sache mehr aufpeppen. Ansonsten sieht es super aus.

  3. Yeah, it was a little bit unwonted where I saw the new version with the red diamonds. But after a while it looks good. BTW: the diamonds are animated.

  4. I think the old screenshot look´s better than the newone!
    :-@ :-)

  5. I think it’s because of the clouds but everything else as given in the description actually does look better :)

  6. Why can’t the diamonds just be blue/white? I liked that. I know there are red diamonds, but bluish/white is so classical. ;)

  7. Red diamonds? Erm… no. Just… no. It’s a bit of an eyesore. I agree with Nemo; why not white or blue?

  8. I agree, a blue and white diamond sounds much better. But who cares, it’s Giana! :D


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