giana_06112009_100444 giana_06112009_094709 giana_06112009_094625

world one completed, hopefully :)

the re-touching of world1 is done, let’s hope the coder will agree :)




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  1. I am soooo glad somebody is resurrecting the Giana Sisters, it’s about time somebody did since ‘Giant Worlds’ (yes you read that correctly) hasn’t had any more updates since 1998.

    I love the screenshots and if you ever need a beta you can ask me. Giana Sisters was the first game I ever played, the ONLY game on the Amiga I ever completed WITHOUT LOSING A LIFE and WITH GETTING EVERY DIAMOND.

    I very much look forward to playing your game because it is a long awaited sequel and tribute.


  2. screenshots screenshots screenshots!!! :D


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