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after the weekend – status report

there are quite a few news again, let’s start with the things which hits in first…

  • the storyline is beeing currently written and has been slightly modified from it’s original form. from what we can say: maria has been kidnapped by some evil guy, while guarding a very important diamond – you, with the help of giana, have to save maria
  • we managed to get in touch with our music guy and he seems to have another pre-final of the soundtrack ready, we will get a copy of it soon.
  • the internal used bugtracker has been cleaned up today and will make it much more comfortable and less confusing for the team to hunt things down and fix them.
  • our betatester mulle is already pretty keen on filming the first stage and pull it on youtube… if the last issues are resolved, he will start the action.
  • level 3 and 6 had to be revised a bit, due to minimal bugs – those should be fixed now
  • we have new partitially-transparent “well done” and “game over” screens – they for sure look better than the old ones. transparency… what a feature and difference :)
  • as some of you remember, we had different weather effects, such as rain and snow. we are currently evulating if we can adjust the effects – example: heavy rain, medium rain, light rain, fast moving clouds, slow moving clouds, etc… currently weather effects are random, but controlled and hardcoded those things could make more sense.

that’s it folks!




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  1. sounds great …
    seems to be a game made by pros :)

  2. everyone is an amateur :) but a pro in his field ;) LOL

  3. I can’t wait for this game to hit my GP2X :-)

    Thanks for all your effort and dedication, your work is greatly appreciated by a lot of people!

  4. Yeah, having heavy rain only makes sense in some levels ;) But I think it’s nice to have different intensities. Perhaps even a level that starts with light rain and then gets worse the closer you get to THE BOSS!

  5. Jayne you better mail me your current status, instead of comenting here ;) LOL


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