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Converting Levels to x240 has started! (done)

As the fake 16:9 view in Giana’s Return looks odd and even tinier on real 16:9 devices, we have decided to enhance the ingame levels from a 320 x 200 pixel display to 320 x 240 pixel.

24.08.2010 – Bonus Levels are hand converted!
25.08.2010 – Boss Levels are hand converted!
25.08.2010 – World 1 Levels are hand converted!
25.08.2010 – World 2 Levels are hand converted!
25.08.2010 – World 3 Levels are hand converted!
26.08.2010 – World 4 Levels are hand converted!
26.08.2010 – World 5 Levels are hand converted!
27.08.2010 – World 6 Levels are hand converted!
27.08.2010 – World 7 Levels are hand converted!




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  1. How about doing the gfx in 640×480, then use that for the 320×240 later on? That would benefit desktops as well as hand-held devices :-)

  2. From the very beginning this game has been developed for 320×240 devices, so I doubt we will change the native resolution. If you are serious about it you can either help us redrawing the graphics or pay us a guy who can do so ;)

  3. warun nicht in einer hören Auflösung jeder bat mitlerweiler mind 1024*768 oder die Auflösung lassen und auf Handleds convertieren wie zb. meinem Handy was ja leider nie kommen wird was ich mehr als schade finde da ich bald mehr mit meinem handy mache (windows mobile htc hd 2 )

  4. I think almost all people use LCD screens 19″ or higher, and play this game in Resolution 320*240 , don’t look fine.

    what can I buy to play this game so it looks fine ??


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